Donation of books and school supplies for K/Pupurassa Tamil Maha Vidiyalayam

The Give Forward has given the students of K/Pupurassa Tamil Maha Vidiyalayam books and school supplies so that they can focus on their studies without worries about having to spend money on books and school supplies. The current economic crisis in Sri Lanka has been affecting students everywhere, but the lower income families that attend this school have been hit particularly hard and it has had a huge impact on their students. These books and supplies will go a long way to helping the students.

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A library and classroom comes to K/ Pupurassa Tamil Maha Vidyalayam

We are excited to announce that we have received permission to build a library and classroom in K/ Pupurassa Tamil Maha Vidyalayam. There is also an unfinished classroom that needs roofing and a little bit of renovation. We are hoping to finish both projects together. In addition, The Give Forward has also acquired a gate for the school’s front entrance. The Give Forward encourages and requests donors to come forward achieve these projects. As everyone knows, there is an ongoing crisis in Sri Lanka, which has resulted in widespread unavailability of food, fuel, and medicines. This has also greatly impacted schooling as well and The Give Forward is working with our volunteers in Sri Lanka to ensure that students to continue their studies for a brighter future. We have setup a smart classroom in K/ Pupurassa Maha Vidyalayam that let’s students learn from remote teachers abroad. However, ongoing power cuts have not allowed us to make full use of it. Our volunteer teacher, Ms. Mohana Aravinthan has managed to teach the students English via Zoom despite these difficulties. We will provide updates on the English classes as we navigate the ongoing crisis in Sri Lanka and work to ensure the students continue to learn. Please look forward to further information about the process of teaching English via Zoom. Thank you to Ms. Aravinthan and the school’s principal Mr. Thamil Selvan for all their efforts.

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English classes start at K/Pupuressa Tamil Vidyalayam

The Give Forward has started English classes at K/Pupuressa Tamil Vidyalayam. Our volunteers on the ground in Sri Lanka have setup a smart classroom at the school through which our amazing teacher Ms. Mohana Aravinthan is delivering English lessons via Zoom! Our students are already making great progress on their English. They have gone from basically zero English to delivering thank you speeches! See our videos below to see how far they have progressed!

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Scholarship Testimonial

Dear The Give Forward, I would like to thank you for your generosity in giving me this scholarship. This past year has been extremely challenging for me to continue my university education due to Covid 19. I lost my mother in 2018. After that, I was the only one responsible for my three brothers and I have to solve my family’s financial problems. As a result I became hopeless and considered giving up on my degree. This sponsorship has given me the hope and motivation to complete my degree. My heartfelt thanks to the donor who sponsored the scholarship. Yours sincerely,Raj from Kandy

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K/Pupuressa Tamil Vidyalaya Scholarship Testimonial

Hi I am Priyadharshini from Kandy. I am a final year finance undergraduate at University of Peradeniya. I lost my father in my early second year. I financially struggled and got help from The Give Forward. God grace, with their help I can complete my entire university. It’s very useful and I take this opportunity to thank each and everyone who contributed for it. Giving back is a humankind activity. With this help, I can complete my studies and got opportunity to work for a foreign company. In the future, I would like to be a part and I encourage people to help others and uplift up country students in Sri Lanka.

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K/Pupurassa Tamil Maha Vidiyalayam

Pupurassa Tamil Maha Vidiyalayam in Kandy district is a school of one hundred and thirty students. and only four teachers. They are housed in one poorly maintained building with minimal facilities. The Give Forward volunteers are providing English classes to students at the school. The Give Forward is also planning on building a library and upgrading the washrooms at the school.

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Scholarship Testimonial

The Give Forward is doing a great job by helping for needed pupils’ studies. Education determines our future. It changes one’s life towards a better position. So helping for education is a holy work and the persons who helps are very respectable. As a welfarer, I express my heartiest thanks to The Give Forward. In fact, it was a great financial help for my Law College studies when I found nothing as an income way. I’ve now passed the Attorney-At-Law Final Examination and I’m a lawyer now. I thankfully remember The Give Forward in this time and ever.

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Prithipura Home

Prithipura home located in Wattala, Sri Lanka provides a safe environment for the mentally and physically disabled ranging from young childhood to adulthood. The Give Forward helped provide an average of fifteen meals a year to the residents from the years 2017 to 2020 along with donating cooking pots, mattresses and garbage bins.

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